As online customers, you want to make sure that your purchases are covered by the appropriate warranties and the terms and conditions when purchasing are clear for your peace of mind. We at MIB are very familiar with this need so we have provided you with this information.
  • All items are guaranteed brand new.
  • All prices stated herein are denominated in Philippine Peso (Php).
  • Items will be shipped only when full payment has been received.
  • Shipping and handling costs will be shouldered by the customer.
  • Shipping fees will depend on the declared value of the item to be shipped. There are no refund policies in here.
  • Last minute changes in item specifications will not be accepted once product has already been sold.
  • All Sales are final. We do not tolerate change of items, if the item is not found to be defective within the corresponding replacement period. Each consumer is given 7 days grace period to thoroughly check the unit for malfunction or defective issues.